Thursday, 25 January 2024

Discover and Develop Your Gifts and Talents

At some point in life it is highly likely that you’ll be asked by someone (you might even be the one asking yourself), what you’re good at. This is a relatively common question, but for some, it can cause distress. If you do not have an immediate answer to such a question – and it’s understandable that you might not, you may well come to the conclusion that you are not good at anything. Unfortunately, this way of thinking is harmful and unproductive.

Many coaching experts and psychologists believe that it takes a minimum of 10,000 hours of practice to master a skill. That's right. 10,000 hours! The theoretical “gift" of being naturally good at something is merely a myth, because what really develops talent is practice. Now, when was the last time you put ten thousand hours of practice into mastering a new skill? The answer may be a clue to the answer you are looking for.

Reflecting on your skills, talents, competencies, and personal characteristics is a great place to start in helping you to discover yourself and improve them. Begin with self-belief, promoting your strengths and neutralising your weaknesses. Do this on your resume, at work, in your social life and with your short-term goals. With time, depending on your goals, look at the weaknesses holding you back and the subsequent skills you need to develop.

Talent is the abilities that we are born with, which lead to a satisfactory performance both in learning and in the execution of skills. For example, the talent to negotiate, invent or communicate. There is a difference between possessing a skill and having the talent to perform that skill. A person with talent for a profession can learn to execute that profession far more easily. Talent can also be associated with vocation.

Competence is the total sum of talent with a skill. This association leads to superior results than those obtained by people who have only the talent or skill separately. For example, a Formula One racer is a person who adds the ability to drive cars with the natural talent to compete. It implies that the more skill and talent together, the greater the chances of success.

This depends on the set of values, beliefs, paradigms, physical and psychogenic characteristics, and the influence of the external environment. This can be transformed by adding new experiences and is dependant on each person's way of life. An example here would be diet and fitness level in sport.

Why do you do what you do? I’ve listened to countless coaches, lectures and motivational speakers explaining this concept, and each give it their own meaning. But what it comes down to is simply knowing your Purpose. Why do you sing? Why do you act? Why do you write? Why do you make people laugh? Taking time to answer this question for yourself and giving it the right formulation, will lay solid ground for you to build on in your pursue of growth and improvement. The tricky part is that some of us look at external factors to answer this question for ourselves, while it should be all about discovering and celebrating your personal identity. What you need to look for is your intrinsic motivation. When you have clearly defined your WHY for yourself, it will help you focus on what’s most important. It will boost your determination and give you the kind of resilience you need to continue when you experience setbacks or obstacles. Because trust me; the obstacles are right there waiting for you to make your move and you’ll need your purpose to help you face them. So be sure of your WHY.

Figure out what you need to learn in order to take your natural talent to the next level. What are the techniques required that will enable you to improve your performance? Do some research about your craft. Are there other variations or forms? What are the studies that have been done regarding your discipline? Let’s say you’re a talented dancer. Find out the basics. What are the genres? Evaluate your skills. What category do you qualify for? What is your dance style called? What other forms would you like to learn? This is how you create common ground for being able to collaborate with others, and it’s also a way to protect your abilities. I know very talented singers with the most beautiful voices who end up with a sore throat or lose their voice after every performance, because they haven’t invested time in learning the ‘right way’ to sing. So taking time to know and master techniques is of utmost importance. Also keep in mind that this is not a one-time thing. The more you learn, the more you’ll find room for improvement, but only when you know the possibilities will you reach for more. So find out what you should be able to do.

You’re probably familiar with the saying ‘Hard work beats talent’. I could say that the phrase is often used by untalented people who try to compensate for their lack of what naturally comes to those they admire, but that could be perceived as me throwing shade. And I’m not here to throw shade in any way, shape, or form. I actually agree with the statement.

Hard work will beat talent every time. Especially if that talent is not developed to its full potential, and equipped with the right techniques that can take an individual from amateur to professional. That is, if the individual in question would like to elevate their raw talent and cultivate their craft to the next level. I have a lot of respect for those autodidactic people who have managed to successfully amplify their natural gifts without any guidance, but I also think we can agree that autodidacticism is a gift by itself. For most common folks like myself, having pure and raw talent is not enough. You have to invest in your growth, and seek to learn from those who have walked a similar path to the one you pursue. Any talent you possess, has been around for centuries before you got here and previous generations have had the time to study it and figure out techniques to do it effectively. There is a ‘right way’ to do things, though some may disagree. Fact is: there really is nothing new under the sun. So if you’re a talented person, no matter what your talents are, if you feel there is something more to what you can already do, it’s probably because there is.


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Hi, everyone! Welcome to my blog post! My name is Tjung Shirley and I am the Grad student of UCSI. I came from Batam, Indonesia. The only reason I started blogging because it was fun & it was something I enjoyed doing.

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