Thursday, 14 December 2023

Creating a Dedicated Workspace

A dedicated workspace is a designated area in your home or office where you can focus on your work. It can be a bedroom, a study, or even a corner of your living room. Having a dedicated workspace can help you to be more productive, to avoid distractions, and to create a more professional environment.

Where you relax and where you work should be two separate areas to help you create a mental boundary between “work” and “play.” Some might think that their work area must be in its own room. While this might be ideal, it’s not always possible if you’re in a small living environment. If that’s the case, designate one area of a kitchen or bedroom that you can use for work, like a table or desk.

Your work zone should be comfortable to sit in for long periods. Consider investing in a comfortable chair to eliminate any aches and pains in your back or neck. A good pair of headphones can also help you tune out distractions to focus on work and school. Speaking of distractions, it’s also a good idea to store your phone in a drawer or on a shelf to avoid checking it while studying.

Lighting can make all the difference in your home workspace, as a well-lit space avoids putting unnecessary strain on your eyes. If possible, position your workspace close to a window so that you get plenty of natural light throughout the day, which can enhance your mood and boost energy. If you can’t get any natural light in your work zone, illuminate your workspace with a desk lamp or two. If you’re working with a small table and don’t have room for a desk lamp, consider a wall-mounted lamp.

Keep your workstation/desk clean and organized. It may get cluttered throughout your workday but decluttering at the end of the day ensures you start your next workday on a fresh slate.

One of the best home office workspace ideas is to place your desk in front of a window. If that is not possible, then a place with the closest proximity to the window is the next best option. But why should you do that? Well, the window is the ideal location from which natural light can reach your workstation, and you are aware of how much importance does natural light has in keeping you active throughout the day and boosting your productivity.

Is that all one gets by placing their desk closer to the window? No, there’s more. Having a home office setup closer to the window keeps you connected with the outside world and gives you a feeling that you are not working in an isolated environment.

Of course, your workspace needs some essential items to be effective. This is a general list of things you can find in most at-home offices, however, nothing is set in stone. Make sure your office is comfortable for you; after all, you’ll be the person working in it.
  • A comfortable chair, suitable for extended amounts of sitting.
  • An adjustable table, preferably a standing desk.
  • Table lamp.
  • Shelves, drawers, or file cabinets to store materials in.
  • A power strip.
  • Window blinds or curtains, if a window is present in the room.
  • Air conditioning and/or heating.

Keeping anything else in your workspace is usually a bad call. Unnecessary decoration and items only reduce your focus and often make your mind wander off.

Working from home is seen as desirable thanks to the control you have over your environment. Don’t forget about this, and create a space that’s comfortable for you to work in. 

Your workspace should have good air conditioning and heating if needed. Working in undesirable conditions will reduce your productivity and make your time in your workspace miserable. According to research, people usually tend to work best at a temperature between 16°C and 24°C.

Ensuring that you use high-quality, comfortable equipment is also crucial. Investing in an office chair and an adjustable standing desk is one of the best things you can do when setting up your workspace.

When working from home it may be more difficult to separate home life and work-life since your computer is right there 24/7. However, having a dedicated workspace helps to turn work off. If you are using a separate room as an office a good practice is to ONLY use that room for work. Once you leave the room you are no longer at work. If you are using a common area, be sure to put work stuff away. Being able to visually remove your work environment will help you disconnect from work and be a cue to your brain (and family) that you are not working.

Having a dedicated work area will help you be a productive employee as well as maintain healthy relationships with your co-workers and family.


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Hi, everyone! Welcome to my blog post! My name is Tjung Shirley and I am the Grad student of UCSI. I came from Batam, Indonesia. The only reason I started blogging because it was fun & it was something I enjoyed doing.

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