Thursday, 30 November 2023

Don't Underestimate the Power of Self-Reflection

Cultivating the skill of self-reflection is an invaluable investment in your personal growth and well-being. Self-reflection is one of the best ways to foster self-awareness—a deeper understanding of who you are, what you need, and where you want to go. By engaging in self-reflection, you become an active participant in your own journey, navigating the complexities of life with greater clarity, authenticity, and purpose.

But self-reflection is an ongoing practice, requiring dedication, patience, and openness. For many people, self-reflection comes naturally; for others, self-reflection may require intentional effort and practice. By creating intentional moments of solitude—whether through journaling, meditation, or quiet contemplation—you can learn to listen to your inner voice, honor your needs, and align your life with your true essence.

What is Self-Reflection?

Self-reflection is the intentional practice of turning inward to explore thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and experiences from an objective standpoint. Through the deliberate practice of self-reflection, you can engage in meaningful questioning, evaluate personal experiences, and assess the consequences of your actions on yourself and those around you. By actively and consciously reflecting, one can gain invaluable insights into motivations, beliefs, values, strengths, weaknesses, and areas for personal growth.

Self-reflection can be done through various methods, such as journaling, meditation, conversations with trusted individuals, or simply setting aside dedicated time for introspection. These practices of self-reflection encourage you to explore your thoughts and emotions without judgment, fostering a greater understanding of yourself and promoting personal development.

Self-reflection is an empowering journey of self-discovery that deepens your connection with yourself, helping you make intentional choices and Self-reflection is an empowering journey of self-discovery that deepens your connection with yourself, helping you navigate life with greater clarity and purpose.

Without self-reflection, we simply go through life without thinking, moving from one thing to the next without making time to evaluate whether things are actually going well. We don’t pause to think. To analyze. To determine what is going well and what isn’t working. The unfortunate result is that we often get stuck.

For example, a lack of personal reflection may lead us to stay in a job we don’t like or a relationship that isn’t going well.

A lack of reflection causes us to simply keep running, trying to keep up with things even if things aren’t going well. We feel like we’re simply trying to keep our heads above water. We end up doing the same things over and over again, even if those things aren’t producing the results we had hoped for.

So how exactly do you perform self-reflection? How do you appropriately and helpfully reflect on yourself and your life?

One easy way to perform this self-reflection exercise is to use a journal (an online journal or print journal). Simply write out these questions and then take your time to thoughtfully answer them. Make sure that you don’t rush. Pause and ponder. Think deeply about what truly matters to you.

First, determine the period of time you plan to look back on. Do you want to look back on the last week? Last month? Last year? Last 5 years?

Then, begin by taking stock of what actually happened during this period. If you already keep a journal, this step will be easier for you, and perhaps a solid reminder of the value of keeping a journal.

Take a look through your planner, journal, and photos, and list out the highlights and lowlights.

Stuck? Here are a few tips:
  • Did you travel anywhere this year?
  • Experience any personal or family milestones?
  • What changed in your relationships, work, or passion projects?

Look back at your new list of highlights and lowlights try and see if there are any patterns.

Do your highlights generally involve certain people in your life? Or any specific activities?

It can be difficult to revisit lowlights, but it is also a great way to find peace and growth.

For each lowlight, ask yourself: Was this within my control?
  • If yes, ask yourself what you may do differently next time.
  • If no, ask yourself how you may find peace with it.

Write down both the highlights and lowlights in your journal, then take time to reflect. What things do you want to accomplish over the next month, year, and five years? What do you want to change about your life? What things can you improve on?

Taking the time to walk through this exercise will help bring clarity and perspective to your life.

Looking back at your chosen time period, rate yourself on a scale of -5 to +5 on each of the following six areas of your life.

After selecting a number, write what made you feel that way. Expressing the emotions and feelings that you have, is a great way to have a deeper and more meaningful reflection. 
  • Mind - Do you feel clear-headed, engaged, and intellectually challenged?
  • Body - Does your body feel healthy, nourished, and strong?
  • Soul - Do you feel at peace and connected to the world around you?
  • Work - Do you feel interested in and fulfilled by your work?
  • Play - Do you feel joyful? Are you engaging in activities that bring you joy?
  • Love - Do you feel positive about the relationships in your life?

Don’t rush through this self-assessment. Take the necessary time to reflect on each area of your life. If you rush, you’ll miss out on the value of self-reflection.

Keep self-reflection manageable

Yes, self-reflection is like an intensely personal process, but embarking on a journey of introspection practice doesn’t have to be intimidating. Simply taking five minutes in the evening to review your day and evaluate what worked for you and what didn’t can set you on the path to self-improvement.

Making this small change to your day-to-day can improve your well-being, strengthen your relationships, make you a better leader, and help you gain traction in your personal and professional development. You have nothing to lose from settling in and starting your self-reflection journey today.

Wednesday, 29 November 2023

What Is A Growth Mindset And How To Develop It

Developing a growth mindset can transform the way we approach complex business challenges and setbacks leading to higher levels of achievement and satisfaction.

The world can be a competitive place. To keep up, it’s not just about working harder — it’s about working smarter.

That’s where the growth mindset comes in.

Typically, when someone in a competitive, high-speed industry isn’t reaching their goals or figuring out the right priorities, it isn’t reflective of their efforts or skills. A lot of the time it’s due to an absence of a growth mindset. With a growth mindset, you can steadily reach new heights in your professional journey simply through adjusting the way you think and how you approach life.

What Is A Growth Mindset?

The growth mindset is a belief system that promotes the idea that abilities and intelligence can be developed with time, effort, and dedication. These are all aspects of yourself that can grow, evolve, and improve with perseverance and over time. A growth mindset is a perspective that welcomes and embraces learning, resilience, and growth from failures.

This powerful perspective was first introduced by psychologist Carol Dweck through her extensive research on achievement, success, motivation, and mindset.

According to Dweck’s research, the concept of a “growth mindset” is a revolutionary shift from the traditional “fixed mindset.” Individuals with a fixed mindset believe their abilities are static and unchangeable. This can create self-imposed barriers and limit personal growth.

In contrast, people with a growth mindset embrace challenges, see failure as a stepping stone to mastery, and believe that their potential is unlimited. They are not deterred by setbacks, but see them as stepping stones to growth and mastery. They understand that intelligence and skill can be developed. It’s not just about what you’re born with; it’s about the effort you’re willing to put in to improve and grow.

That’s the magic of a growth mindset — it empowers you to become the best version of yourself, no matter where you’re starting from.

Why Is Cultivating A Growth Mindset Important?

Cultivating a growth mindset is crucial because it fosters resilience, facilitates learning, and fuels success. It encourages you to view challenges as opportunities, improving adaptability and problem-solving capabilities. Growth-minded individuals understand that to achieve their goals, they need to step out of their comfort zone, put in sustained effort, and learn from their failures.

Having a growth mindset can transform the way you approach challenges and setbacks, leading to higher levels of achievement and satisfaction. It’s not just about how you think, but how you act and react to the various situations that life presents. A mindset focused on learning and development will allow you to seeing the potential for growth in every experience.

By considering how you currently approach challenges, either at work or in education, you can determine your current mindset. For example, you can ask yourself whether you say things like ‘I’m a natural people person’ or ‘I’ve learned to work well with people’? Or would you say, ‘she’s a natural leader’, or ‘she worked her way up to the leadership role’?

Asking such questions about your approach to the world can help you identify whether you’ve more of a fixed or growth mindset. Such awareness is the first step toward making changes, which could help you reimagine your career.

Think about something that you’re better at now than you were in the past? What did you previously find difficult? Why does it feel easier now? And how did you achieve such a change?

These thoughts can prompt you to think about the time and effort you’ve spent to improve in particular areas, the hallmarks of a growth mindset.

Try to think about something that you’ve seen someone else do against the odds. Think about how they achieved their success and what this says about their ability to develop their capabilities.

Whether you’ve been successful in a project or not, seeking feedback from others is a good way to develop a growth mindset. They may give you insight into where you’ve developed or what needs improvement. In turn, this can help you to set goals for improvement.

Try a completely new activity and challenge yourself to learn something that you’re not already good at. You could start with learning a new language, picking up an instrument, or understanding the basics of economics.

By getting used to getting out of your comfort zone, you can develop a growth mindset and be more open to learning new skills.

As we’ve explored already, there are many determinants of success. Personality, intelligence, circumstance and other factors can all contribute. However, by setting clear goals that provide a motivating challenge, you can work towards success.

A growth mindset means one embraces challenges, persists in the face of setbacks, takes responsibility for their words and actions, and acknowledges that effort is the path toward mastery. It is basically the reason why “practice makes perfect."

By choosing to make the extra effort to build a growth mindset, you can make your mental processes work for you, resulting in a greater likelihood that you get the results you're looking for and live the life you want to live.

Sunday, 26 November 2023

A List of Goals You Can Set Next Year

The new year is finally here and that means it’s that time of year again to figure out what has and hasn’t worked out this past year and how to improve going forward into 2024.

Boldly claim your stake in the land of dreams waiting to become real.

If you feel self-conscious, timid or even foolish about letting others know of your dreams, take heart. That’s normal.

Now we understand keeping it quietly to yourself to allow incubation in the womb of dreams, maybe best for some. However, too often, we keep things quiet because we’re not truly committed.

For example, if you’re thinking, “I need to lose weight”, but don’t say it out loud for fear that family and friends will hold you accountable. Or worse, you keep it quiet so that others won’t think you’re a failure if you skip the exercise and indulge in a treat.

So assess that for yourself. Reticence may be an indication that you would benefit by letting your goals out and in the open. It’s in sharing aspirations that they begin to make sense, take form, shape up and reveal their place in your life.

Whatever it is for you, we hope this life goals article will give you food for thought and en-courage-ment to create your own list, and then work it daily.

What are your goals in life? You might start a rapid brain dump of anything that comes to mind, and then, when you get stuck, enjoy perusing these lists for ideas to spark your own.

An assorted list from many people to stir dreams and stoke resolve to create and achieve your own goals.

  • To homestead and be self-sufficient. 
  • I want to grow my own food and be energy independent.
  • Build a turnkey, self-sufficient cabin garden and farming homestead community on ~100 acres.
  • Travel to New Zealand and stay for several weeks.
  • Own and run self-sufficient “Doomsday” farm with fruit trees, greenhouse, and a huge library.
  • Meet a notable person you admire (author, musician, producer, speaker, leader etc).
  • Plant a sustainable community garden.
  • Learn to scuba dive.
  • To have a large organic garden, with a year-round greenhouse, that produces most of our food.
  • To live in a place part of the year where I can surf, windsurf and paddleboard daily.
  • I will exercise 3x per week for three months (and re-assess after that.)
  • I will drink eight 16 oz glasses of water each day.
  • I will eat three meals a day that are balanced and healthy, and one snack.
  • Be a good boss/employee.
  • Build strong work relationships.
What are some of your new year’s goal ideas that you want to accomplish next year? Let me know in the comments!

Wednesday, 22 November 2023

Parents Hold The Key To A More Peaceful Society

“If non-violence is the Law of our being, the future is with Women.
Who can make a more effective appeal to the heart than woman?”

Peace is not only the absence of violence or of conflicts. Peace can take many different forms: peace with oneself and peace of mind at an individual level, harmonious and balanced relationships within a family. Peace also emanates from equal opportunities with a role for each one of us in a society: social injustice is one of the main reason for social unrest and violence.

The educational role of parents, especially that of the mother, is crucial. It is indeed within the family that a child’s emotional balance is built, and that the values on which an individual is constructed are transmitted. It is also within the family that a child makes his first experiences of what safety or distress is, discover the challenges of community life, and learns the peaceful or violent resolution of conflicts.

Early childhood development has namely an important potential for peace promotion. Apart from physical health, recent research studies show that safety, social support and emotional ties within a family are also essential for the physical, emotional, social and intellectual development of a child, beginning already during pregancy.

Enabling a child to grow up in a healthy, violence-free family, and thus enabling them to reach its full potential and to find their role in society, is the foundation of lasting peace.

Finally, no one is safe from being confronted, in one way or another, to violent extremism in his or her closest environment, in particular within one’s own family. Most of the time, mothers are the pillar of the family and are generally very present. They can learn to identify early signs of unhappiness or malaise of their child, those signs being usually similar regardless of their cause (harassment, radicalization, drugs, sexual abuse etc.).

Various studies have proved that children learn more from observing and experiencing the world than by taught words. Responsible parents provide the right examples and behavior to their children to learn from. Instead of saying ‘be polite’, they demonstrate politeness by being polite in their everyday life.

One of the biggest responsibilities of parents is to instill confidence in their children and this can be achieved by being more encouraging and motivating of the children’s strengths and good qualities. Constant criticism can rip the children off their self esteem and demoralizes them. It can take them into withdrawal mode and secretiveness, while regular appreciation helps in building strong, confident and positive children. Responsible parents reward good behavior.

Reports have suggested that when it comes to spending time with kids, quality trumps quantity. We all would prefer an hour of peaceful, undistracted, quality time with our loved ones over four hours full of distractions, divided attention and undue arguments. They spend quality time with their kids that helps in developing a deeper bond of love and understanding between the parents and their children and create their own rituals like the ritual of two minutes of mum-ditation.

Responsible parents behave responsibly in front of their children. As responsible individuals, they care for mother nature, be kind to others, practice honesty and are authentic.

Encouraging dialogues with the kids have twofold benefits: it makes them feel that they are important to have their opinions heard and it helps them in developing the art of self expression. Lot of issues can be solved with open communication and having a healthy, logical dialogue. Responsible parents listen actively to their kids and set it as the stepping stone to a relevant and useful discussion.

They do not follow helicopter parenting and nor are they completely lousy parents. They are right there — raising better kids by giving them the a happy home to live in. They create good memories for their children that often last a lifetime.

As responsible individuals and citizens, being responsible parents is also one of our foremost duties. In times when parenting has generated so much of speculation, one wonders what responsible parenting looks like.

As parents, we wish for our children to grow up ready to tackle and enjoy life to the fullest.

We want them to grow in confidence, to stand tall in their unique self, with their dignity and self-esteem intact, balanced with empathy and care for others.

Tuesday, 21 November 2023

Understanding and Overcoming Procrastination

Is Procrastination the Same as Being Lazy?

Procrastination is often confused with laziness, but they are very different.

Procrastination is an active process – you choose to do something else instead of the task that you know you should be doing. In contrast, laziness suggests apathy, inactivity and an unwillingness to act.

Procrastination usually involves ignoring an unpleasant, but likely more important task, in favor of one that is more enjoyable or easier.

But giving in to this impulse can have serious consequences. For example, even minor episodes of procrastination can make us feel guilty or ashamed. It can lead to reduced productivity and cause us to miss out on achieving our goals.

If we procrastinate over a long period of time, we can become demotivated and disillusioned with our work, which can lead to depression and even job loss, in extreme cases.

First, to overcome procrastination you need to have an understanding of the REASONS WHY you procrastinate and the function procrastination serves in your life. You can't come up with an effective solution if you don't really understand the root of the problem. As with most problems, awareness and self-knowledge are the keys to figuring out how to stop procrastinating. For a lot of people acquiring this insight about how procrastination protects them from feeling like they are not able enough, and keeping it in mind when they are tempted to fall into familiar, unproductive, procrastinating habits goes a long way to solving the problem. For instance, two psychologists, Jane Burka and Lenora Yuen, who have helped many people overcome procrastination, report in their article, "Mind Games Procrastinators Play" (Psychology Today, January, 1982), that for many students "understanding the hidden roots of procrastination often seems to weaken them" (p.33). Just knowing our true reasons for procrastinating makes it easier to stop.

To overcome procrastination time management techniques and tools are indispensable, but they are not enough by themselves. And, not all methods of managing time are equally helpful in dealing with procrastination. There are some time management techniques that are well suited to overcoming procrastination and others that can make it worse. Those that reduce anxiety and fear and emphasize the satisfaction and rewards of completing tasks work best. Those that arc inflexible, emphasize the magnitude of tasks and increase anxiety can actually increase procrastination and are thus counter-productive. For instance, making a huge list of "things to do" or scheduling every minute of your day may INCREASE your stress and thus procrastination. Instead, set reasonable goals (e.g. a manageable list of things to do), break big tasks down, and give yourself flexibility and allot time to things you enjoy as rewards for work completed.

To overcome procrastination it's critical that you stay motivated for PRODUCTIVE REASONS. By productive reasons I mean reasons for learning and achieving that lead to positive, productive, satisfying feelings and actions. These reasons are in contrast to engaging in a task out of fear of failing, or not making your parents angry, or not looking stupid, or doing better than other people to "show off." While these are all reasons - often very powerful ones - for doing something, they are not productive since they evoke maladaptive, often negative feelings and actions. For example, if you are concerned with not looking dumb you may not ask questions, delve into new areas, try new methods, or take the risks necessary to learn new things and reach new heights. A good way to put positive motives in motion is to set and focus on your goals. Identify and write down your own personal reasons for enrolling in a course and monitor your progress toward your goals using a goal-setting chart. Remember to focus on your reasons and your goals. Other people's goals for you are not goals at all, but obligations.

Start! Sometimes, we put off getting started because we do not really believe we can complete the task. Over time, this attitude becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy as the list of things we cannot do keeps growing! The best way to overcome this fear is to start small, persist with the task and record your progress in a diary. When in doubt, refer back to the diary as proof that you are capable.

Procrastinators are often poor planners who become quickly overwhelmed by long task lists. Look at your goals or upcoming tasks and pick one item to focus on. Do some research on how to tackle the item and create a schedule with smaller tasks culminating in the larger goal.

Tell someone about your goals. Set a deadline. Think about a reward. Use an alarm or calendar reminder to let you know when to start the task. Reduce distractions in your environment – delete social media apps from your phone, use headphones at the office, limit the amount of time spent on emails every day, and so on. Commit to overcoming procrastination.

We all procrastinate from time-to-time. The trick is to manage and curtail the impact of procrastination, both personally and professionally.

Monday, 20 November 2023

Building and Maintaining Healthy Relationships

Healthy relationships make life worth living, and people who know how to cultivate them see benefits everywhere. They have more positive family dynamicsstronger friendships, and more balanced leadership skills.

Unhealthy relationships, in contrast, can get in the way of success. Relationships that always seem to be in crisis mode, or ones that steal your energy instead of recharging it, rob you of the time and energy you need to reach your potential.

Truly healthy relationships — whether they’re with romantic partners, friends, or family — don’t happen automatically. They require hard work and attention for true wellness. 

Healthy relationships involve honesty, trust, respect and open communication between partners and they take effort and compromise from both people. There is no imbalance of power. Partners respect each other’s independence, can make their own decisions without fear of retribution or retaliation, and share decisions. If or when a relationship ends, there is no stalking or refusal to let the other partner go.

Take the time to appreciate yourself and get in touch with your emotions to be able to express yourself clearly and more effectively. 

Not knowing how to regulate your emotions and express them healthily can negatively affect your mental wellbeing.

Healthy relationships are not found but built.

A healthy relationship needs commitment and willingness to be accommodating to each other’s needs.

Setting boundaries is not only about what you don’t want or like in your relationships, but also about letting the people around you know what you appreciate. 

Think about and let others know where your boundaries are; respecting your time alone for example.

Doing this can take the pressure off your relationship to commit to anything unrealistic.

All relationships have disagreements and that’s ok. what matters is how you talk and listen to one another.

Listen to understand, rather than listening to respond.

Don’t be afraid to express your emotions or vulnerabilities with people you trust.

Assertive communication helps make your point more clearly than passive or aggressive communication. It means you make your point clearly and honestly, while respecting the other person's point of view.

Try using ‘I’ statements instead of accusatory ‘you’ statements. For example, say "I really hate it when you don't clean up the dishes" rather than "You never help me in the kitchen".

Finding hobbies you both enjoy allows you to spend time together. This could be as simple as doing a night class together or taking up a new sport.

Finding time together as a family can be difficult, but there are many benefits to regularly sharing family meals. Even one family meal a week gives everyone a chance to catch up, connect and communicate with each other.

Relationships aren’t always easy and you will sometimes meet conflict.

Difficult conversations may make us feel uncomfortable but the young leaders stressed the importance of being able to talk to friends, family and romantic partners about these things, it may even strengthen your relationship in the long run.

A good starting place is to let the other person know in advance that you want to talk. It helps if you both have time to prepare.

Once you do start talking if a comment upsets you, try and take a break, pause the conversation, and come back when you feel ready.  

And remember, it is okay for you to put boundaries in place, to say ‘no’ when you’re not comfortable and to walk away if the relationship does not feel right to you.  

Friday, 17 November 2023

Reduce Stress and Improve Well-Being

Is stress making you angry and grouchy? Stress relievers can help bring back calm and peace to your busy life. You don't have to put a lot of time or thought into stress relievers. If your stress is getting out of control and you need quick relief.
Almost any form of physical activity can act as a stress reliever. Even if you're not an athlete or you're out of shape, exercise can still be a good stress reliever.
Physical activity can pump up your feel-good endorphins and other natural neural chemicals that boost your sense of well-being. Exercise also can refocus your mind on your body's movements. This refocus can improve your mood and help the day's irritations fade away. So go on a walk, take a jog, work in your garden, clean your house, bike, swim, weight train, vacuum or do anything else that gets you active.
Eat healthy. Have fruits and vegetables, lean protein, whole grains, and low- or no-fat dairy. Limit foods with unhealthy fats, salt, and added sugars. 
Get enough sleep. Go to bed and wake up at the same time each day to help you sleep better. Adults need 7 or more hours per night.
Move more and sit less. Every little bit of physical activity helps. Start small and build up to 2 1/2 hours a week. You can break it into smaller amounts of time, such as 20 to 30 minutes a day.
Listen to Music. No matter what the song, sometimes belting out the lyrics to a favorite tune makes everything seem all right. If you’re in a public place, just listening to music can be a quick fix for a bad mood. Classical music can be especially relaxing right before bedtime.
Have some "me time". Many of us work long hours, meaning we often don't spend enough time doing things we really enjoy.
It's important to take some time for socialising, relaxation or exercise.
You could try setting aside a couple of nights a week for some quality "me time" away from work.
Avoid unhealthy habits. Don't rely on alcohol, smoking and caffeine as your ways of coping.
They might provide temporary relief, but in the long term, these crutches won't solve your problems. They'll just create new ones.
It's best to tackle the cause of your stress.
Work smarter, not harder. Working smarter means prioritising your work, concentrating on the tasks that'll make a real difference.
Leave the least important tasks to last. Accept that you will not have time for everything.
Having meaningful relationships can create a sense of belonging. A feeling of being cared for, valued, and supported can help us become more resilient.  This is called social connectedness. Connecting with others can help us cope with stress and become more resilient. Here are some ways to reduce stress by connecting with others:
  • Reach out to your community, family members, or friends. Talk with someone you trust about your feelings or any concerns.
  • Make time for cultural, spiritual, or religious activities.
  • Volunteer with organizations that interest you. Giving back to others can help you too.
  • Get outside with others, connect with nature, and explore green spaces.

Engaging in activities that support self-care may help reduce stress and anxiety. These can include exercise and mindfulness practices.

From minor challenges to major crises, stress is part of life. And while you can't always control your circumstances, you can control how you respond to them. When stress becomes overwhelming or chronic, it can affect your well-being. That's why it's essential to have effective stress relievers that can calm your mind and body. 

Expert Tips for Communicating With Confidence

Whether it’s in life or business, communication is everything.

At some point or another, you’ll deal with big egos, hot-headed figures and people lacking the self-confidence to speak up.

Not knowing how to communicate with different types of people can cause problems both at work and in your personal life. 

It all actually boils down to communicating with confidence. 

Effective communication is an invaluable skill that can significantly impact your success. Confidence plays a pivotal role in presenting your ideas, expressing your thoughts, and engaging with colleagues, clients, and superiors. Whether pitching a new project, leading a team meeting, or networking at an industry event, confidence can drive your accomplishments. Let's delve into the importance of confidence when speaking in the workplace and why it can be a game-changer for your career.

What is confidence and why is it important?

Essentially, confidence is knowing what you’re good at, the value you provide, and acting in a way that conveys that to those around you.

Its importance is justified in recent research, which shows when people are put in situations where they are expected to not do well, their performance plunges. Quite literally, they get into a negative headspace and behave in an undesirable manner. However, when they’re expected to do well, they’re generally in a positive headspace and their performance improves considerably. Same person, different expectations.

A lot of the time, it’s thought that being confident depends on what you say or the words you use. But, it actually depends on what the other person hears which is why communicating clearly is vital.
Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Maintain eye contact and smile while you’re speaking.
  • Speak at a steady pace so the other person understands what you’re saying.
  • Take a few risks like showing some humour. Like confidence, it’s infectious so spread it as much as you can. This can help conversations go more smoothly.
  • Don’t use ‘maybe’ words like ‘just’, ‘perhaps’ or ‘like’ as it can undersell what you’re trying to say.
Use specific language. This is where you need to know your audience before communicating with them. The terms and phrases you use might not be in their vocabulary which means things can often be lost in translation. There might also be a language barrier which will change how you speak and the words you use.

Also, use language that’s really clear so the conversation doesn’t end and there’s absolutely no ambiguity surrounding what you said. Know your audience, communicate how they do and make everything clear.

When you combine communication skills with emotional intelligence, it enables you to be heard more accurately, inspire and motivate others as well as improve relationships with co-workers. It’s a useful skill to have, especially in an evolving workplace.

It’s easy to fall into a habit of reacting to conflict as emotional outbursts and feelings of anger are common. As an emotionally intelligent person, you’ll know how to stay calm during stressful situations which means you won’t make any impulsive decisions.

Assertive communication is a good way to earn some respect. There’s obviously a fine balance between being too aggressive or being a pushover, but emotionally intelligent people know how to communicate their thoughts directly without disrespecting anyone.

Great, what can I do to improve my confidence in the workplace?
  • Change your viewpoint: People who lack confidence tend to be concerned about the impact others have on them. Instead, they should focus on the impact they have on others. This empowerment improves your effectiveness because you’ll realise it’s what you do that matters, not what others do to you.
  • Acknowledge your achievements: When you do something well or achieve something, don’t sweep it under the carpet. Acknowledge it and give yourself praise, even if it’s  just a minor achievement. Make sure your boss knows about any good work you’ve done. Be mindful to be realistic about your achievements to ensure you aren’t pushing your own barrow.
  • Act confident: Ever heard of the saying ‘a picture paints a thousand words’? Now, picture yourself. How do you look? What message do you communicate the moment you walk into a room? What’s your body language saying? What information can prospective clients or co-workers gather about you before you even say a word? Yes, as you can tell, acting confident is incredibly important. Be aware of how you hold yourself and the signals your body language is sending out. Think about your posture. Stand up straight, and when you move around a room, move with purpose.
With the job market more competitive than ever, the best way to stand out is to show your confidence in the work place. Stand tall, be proud and enjoy what you do; after all, that’s the most important thing.

Tuesday, 14 November 2023

How to Take Leadership Action - Taking Leadership Action

Leadership is one of those unquantifiable human characteristics whose nature has baffled experts and the men on the street alike. In the past, many find themselves subscribing to the belief that leaders are born, not made. Various research on the subject, however, has thrown a serious challenge to it (Muse, 2019). It confirms what many see: having promising young talents with leadership qualities whose performance fizzle out in the end.
On the other hand, many have proven to be good leaders without showing any clues in the early stages of their lives. As it turns out, development is key. As real-life events show, many grow into positions of leadership. In the business world, they are able to motivate office and remote employees after extensive courses in developing their leadership qualities.
In this article, we shall take a look at exactly how to develop leadership skills and how to improve leadership skills, knowing the specific traits and knowledge for one to rise to the top and reach their potential as a leader.
What are leadership skills?
So, what exactly are leadership skills? These are the abilities and qualities that inspire, motivate and guide others. Leadership skills are valuable for anyone in a leadership role, whether that’s in the workplace, school or even in your community. 
A wide range of skills can make someone a good leader – from delegating tasks and projects to simply being a good communicator. 
Take the Initiative
Most bosses will only assign employees tasks they know they can do. That's why it's important to volunteer to take on more responsibilities while going above and beyond at your current position. Focus on learning competencies that fall outside your primary knowledge area.
Don't be complacent. Step out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself to improve. Remember, the more work you do, the more you are learning. Learning more and taking on more responsibility will eventually help move you into a leadership role at your workplace.
Also, others will more easily accept you as a leader when that day comes, because you will have established a track record of taking the initiative, being a student of learning, and using that newfound knowledge for making improvements.
Think Critically
To be hired for a high-profile job, you will need to be a critical thinker. Good leaders can foresee potential problems before they happen. They can also develop ways to prevent problems from happening.
Good leaders are also aware of potential opportunities and take advantage of them to benefit the company and employees. In other words, be proactive. Don't wait for things to happen; instead, anticipate them, and help the team be ready in case something goes wrong. If you're a leader and an employee brings a problem to your attention, help them determine the cause and put preventive measures in place to ensure it doesn't negatively impact the employees, the company, and the customers.
Listen Effectively
Communication skills are critical to being an effective leader, whether it's presenting in front of the team, creating and writing a business strategy, or communicating to employees and clients. One of the most important communication skills for a leader is listening. Without listening skills, you are not able to get feedback from others and get a sense of what team members like about the projects they work on.
Oftentimes, managers and leaders must hire people who specialize in certain tasks or specialties. Listening to your team of experts will help you understand what can and can't be done. Let them have a private discussion with you one-on-one if necessary, to voice any concerns so that you can move forward with everyone on the same page.
Feedback is key. To listen effectively, you need to maintain eye contact, avoid distractions, and respond appropriately. Keep in mind that communication is not just about verbal communication. Be aware of body language and gestures to determine what people are really saying.
Motivate Others
A true leader should positively influence people. When employees or coworkers lose their ambitions and passions, a true leader can energize and motivate them. How do leaders motivate people?
First, they know what people need and want. For example, if an employee loses motivation because they think their hard work is not being recognized, a good leader will talk to that person and offer the recognition that is deserved.
Sometimes, people lose their motivation because they are facing difficulties, are tired of doing the same repetitive tasks, or are disappointed they are not being asked to get involved. A good leader should seek out team members to see how they're doing, listen attentively, and empower them to be more involved in the process.
Creating a positive work environment is also a key motivating factor. Establish positive rewards for hitting benchmarks, such as a weekly new client goal or an error-free work week for a production area. Reward them with a Friday lunch or an afternoon of snacks and treats to help people decompress and know that they're appreciated.
The prospect of advancing to the top of one’s field makes it possible for many people to keep plugging away at their jobs, honing their skills, and taking on new projects. But after a certain point, career development depends on more than technical skills and a willingness to work hard. You also need a few soft skills, not the least of which is the ability to take on a leadership role.
Some people are natural leaders, but anyone can develop the skill set needed with some practice. If you want to take your career as far as possible, you must be willing to put in the work.

Sunday, 12 November 2023

Self Awareness and Continuous Self Development

The expression of self development and self awareness are now ubiquitous. Relatively recently, the notion of personal development applies to anything that is or may be implemented by each of us, either spontaneously or by various techniques to live better, to grow in different areas of life, achieve potential, acquire ever greater psychological maturity, develop their creative capabilities, etc. The result is the development of self-awareness and emotions in relationship to itself, in its relation to others and in relation to multiple tasks and daily activities.

Self-awareness is the continuous attention to one’s internal states, self-reflective consciousness in which the mind is occupied to observe and investigate the experience itself, including emotions. To be conscious means to be aware of the present moment. It means being aware without judgment, without reflection or thought. We are observers. Why is it important to live consciously? It is important because it helps us looking at ourselves without judging and showing who we really are. Living consciously is the best tool to improve our self-esteem. Self awareness allows you to adapt to circumstances. For example, if you lose a leg, the robot is able to update their self-image and experiment with different new ways of walking. It is the ability to be aware of its existence and its own personality.

Self-awareness is a cognitive process involving the integration of information from both external reality and personal experience. This is reflected in the definition of self-awareness as “the ability to perceive the self relatively objective while maintaining a subjective side”. As a result, self-awareness involves an interaction between thought and emotions. It is this aspect that distinguishes subjective or emotional self-awareness of self-knowledge. In addition to assessing the current state of a person (and its difference from the pre-morbid), self-awareness involves the ability of a person to determine its future state or set realistic goals for the future.

Development means more capacity or possibilities, because we can develop our potential. When we talk about continuous self-development, we understand that the individual is accepted, the responsibility of this evolutionary process, through the personal search of resources and conditions, allowing them to recognize that today is “better” (in any aspect) than yesterday, and be sure that tomorrow will be better than today. The self development refers to the commitment of a person to think and decide for him. This involves the acquisition of new skills and repetition of actions to improve the habits and personal skills.

A commitment to individual self must have a clear vision of your goal and be alert to opportunities. You need to have a strategic plan of life and act creatively and innovatively, achievable with the self study, work and updating knowledge, and involves a significant sense of responsibility and a proactive attitude. Ultimately, the self development is promoted on our own intellectual growth that is acquired through learning to apply it to various facets of life.

Self-development is a lifelong journey, through which individuals strive to become the best versions of themselves. It involves personal growth, gaining new skills, and expanding one's knowledge and understanding of the world. Self-development is not only about meeting external goals or expectations but also about nurturing one's inner self, enhancing personal strengths, and working on areas of improvement. The importance of self-development in today's fast-paced and highly competitive world cannot be overstated. It is essential for personal and professional success. Without self-development, individuals risk being left behind or becoming stagnant in their lives and careers. By continuously improving ourselves, we can adapt to changing circumstances, overcome obstacles, and unlock new opportunities.

One aspect of self-development is personal growth. This includes developing emotional intelligence, self-awareness, and resilience. Emotional intelligence enables individuals to understand and manage their own emotions as well as empathize with others. By cultivating self-awareness, individuals can identify their strengths, weaknesses, and values, allowing them to make better decisions and align their choices with their goals and values. Resilience equips individuals with the ability to bounce back from setbacks and challenges, enabling them to persevere in the face of adversity. Another important aspect of self-development is acquiring new skills and knowledge. In today's rapidly changing world, it is crucial to continuously update and expand our skill sets. This can be done through formal education, attending workshops and training programs, or even self-study. Acquiring new skills not only increases our value in the job market but also broadens our horizons and opens new doors of opportunity. Additionally, expanding our knowledge base allows us to understand the world better, think critically, and make informed decisions.

Self-development is not solely focused on external achievements but also on nurturing one's inner self. This involves cultivating positive habits, such as practicing self-care, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and fostering meaningful relationships. Taking care of our physical and mental well-being is vital for overall growth and happiness. Engaging in activities that bring us joy and fulfillment, such as hobbies or volunteering, helps us connect with our passions and purpose, leading to a more fulfilling life. One cannot underestimate the role of reflection and self-assessment in self-development. Regularly reflecting on our actions, behaviors, and experiences allows us to gain valuable insights into ourselves and our lives. This introspection helps us identify patterns, recognize areas for improvement, and set realistic goals. Self-assessment, whether through seeking feedback from others or conducting self-evaluations, provides us with valuable information about our strengths and weaknesses. This knowledge serves as a foundation for personal growth and self-improvement.

Self development is a lifelong process. It’s a way for people to assess their qualities and skills, consider our aims in life and set goals in order to realise and maximise our potential.

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Hi, everyone! Welcome to my blog post! My name is Tjung Shirley and I am the Grad student of UCSI. I came from Batam, Indonesia. The only reason I started blogging because it was fun & it was something I enjoyed doing.

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